• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • hmmm si no me equivoco, el tema de los monitores externos varía dependiendo de la distribución, el entorno de escritorio y servidor gráfico que elijas, sobretodo si estás usando wayland que es un protocolo gráfico más nuevo que las distros están comenzando a adoptar como por defecto. Ve si tu distro tiene para cambiar entre wayland y X11, cambia y ve si hace alguna diferencia… o tal vez no… jeje

  • Wow, this looks cool and useful, but since it’s the first time I know about Quiblr I have to ask, what is it? I feel like it’s a frontend to any lemmy instance? This fediverse world is cool but the many layers of this onion confuse me a little. I like the look and feel of the site! I think this feature of “For You” would be useful to other federated projects. In “reddit-like” projects I don’t see much use because my feed on that app was from things I followed, but in things like peertube or youtube alternatives, a “recommended” page is a thing that I miss! It could be awesome if this feature could be implemented in other federated projects.