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Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • The history of forcing slaves into limited food choices, and then caricaturing an entire race based on people adapting to those arbitrary forced limits…there are alot of layers of historical racism in play that could make doing this in a way that highlights those foods would probably play into that racism. Chicken and watermelon aren’t “black” foods, they were common staples of Southern slaves that had limited choices.

    That said, those stereotypes are stupid, those foods are delicious to people of all races, so if those foods are served as a broader celebration or feast and its just part of the day without any emphasis or indicators of meeting (i.e., chicken and fruit are common foods for celebration so why not have them), I don’t think anyone would care.

  • gardylou@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldNot Likeable
    12 days ago

    Oh man, I was there and none of this is news to me. I’m not saying DNC did things right, im not saying they didn’t try to corninate her. Beyond that, they were insulting about it, especially Debbie Whatsherbitch Schultz, who openly scored us Bernie supporter…the irony is i was an lefty independent before Bernie and he’s what brought me to the Democratic party, but everyone “schools me” on 2016 because I also realize more democrats writ large preferred her to Bernie. Do all you perpetually online lefties talk to real world democrats and black democrats? Alot of them didn’t love and don’t love Bernie.

    I’m do agree the fuckery was very dumb because she actually had more supporters than Bernie the whole time. The person who quietly got fucked over in my opinion in 2016 was Biden, who might have run as younger (but still old) version of himself except he could tell the Clinton camp had already thumbed the scale the process pre-emptively.

    Above all, i don’t hating Hillary in 2024 is useful politically. The “Clinton Machine” being dead might be the only good thing to come out of Trumpism.

  • gardylou@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldNot Likeable
    12 days ago

    Add in the fact that some in the group demanding to be appealled to is out of touch with where the actual populace is at to the degree that they dont even realize that to appeal to them on unpopular positions would alienate more voters than they represent. Couple that with the fact that demands on items that are unrealistic to implement without wide-scale support in the populace, and you have a small group of people you have to spend alot of energy and political capital to appeal to, in ways that are largely symbolic in practice, all while that group insults you and offers next to nothing–“Dance for our vote! Grovel for our vote you fucking murderers!!”.

    And then they are so perpetually online in their echo chambers they dont realize their views actually aren’t very popular, so insular they wonder why the rest of us don’t spend all day catering to their bullshit!

  • Internet Ws and Ls are pointless.

    We either vote in a way that prevents a fascist from regaining power–voting Biden–or we vote in a way that makes it more likely that fascist gains power again–voting for anyone else.

    Period end of story, thats the end game. A vote for Biden is a vote for democracy, any other vote is a vote for fascism.

  • gardylou@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldNot Likeable
    12 days ago

    Lol. I supported Sanders in 2016 but he wasn’t sabotaged, more dems preferred Hilary in the primaries. It was still a problem vis-a-vis the enthusiasm gap (Sanders supporters were more enthusiastic on average than Hillary supporters, but she had more supporters).

    Edit: I don’t want to spend hours on dead shit at this point, but my bigger point is she actually had more supporters than Bernie. But also, why I’m a talking about this…damn it, fell for the trap again!

  • My point is it processes information very differently than how humans do. It doesn’t know anything about what these things actually are, for instance, leading it to give impossible suggestions. I’ve asked it for Obama hi/lo strategy to see what it would say and its advice included playing hands to win low that didnt qualify for low. It knew useful stuff and also confidently declared mistakes in ways amateurs who barely knew the rules wouldn’t do.

    My point being, it works very differently from humans.

  • LLMs can read the website, but I’d argue its comprehension works VERY differently than human comprehension. If I ask you whats the price of a Banapple, you’ll know that doesn’t exist. The LLM might catch that thing doesn’t exist, or it might average all the prices of all the Apple associated data it has and all the banana associated data it has, regardless of unit, and give you that averaged price, or otherwise make up a logic to deliver you a price. It doesn’t know shit about fruit in the way you intuitively understand fruit.