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Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • The thing that would’ve really sealed it for me, I think, would be if we got the occasional cut away from the musical number to the parts of the ship that weren’t affected. Like, there’s one bit where someone shuts off the artificial gravity for dramatic effect, and I was dying for the cut across the ship to the guy in who’s been off-duty taking a nap for the last three hours, slept through the whole first act of the episode, just drifting out of his bunk and into a bulkhead with no explanation. I love a good “consequences of everyone being just a little too Extra™” in my self-aware diegetic musical episode.

  • Maybe, but on further reading…

    Saynewsy is a Professional News Platform. Here we will provide you only interesting content, which you will like very much. We’re dedicated to providing you the best of News, with a focus on dependability and News. We’re working to turn our passion for News into a booming online website. We hope you enjoy our News as much as we enjoy offering them to you.

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    …I have some concerns about the reputability of this particular outlet in general.

    Edit: … and the header at the top of the page is just the default logo for that blogspot theme, the dates are in French, the “Contact Us” form says “We will revert you as soon as possible”, and the Facebook link at the bottom leads to a page named “Painting Art” with one post from September 2023. Yeah, I dunno about this one, fellas.

  • goldteeth@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoThe Right Can't Meme@midwest.social*Right
    3 months ago

    I’ve just seen a lot of crappy cellphone bootlegs, and crappy Infinity War bootlegs specifically. Big movie comes out, everyone’s scrambling to get their cracks in, you end up with a lot of memes made out of pictures of theater screens. See enough and you start to pick up on the patterns, then the HD stuff starts coming out and you really notice the difference. Cropping’s off, color grading and exposure are wrong, picture’s a little smudgy 'cause the guy can’t hold the phone still… Compare it to the actual scene, it’s a little tilted and it’s got that sorta washed-out bright blue cast you get when you try to take a picture of another screen.

  • Nah man, think about it, rock makes no goddamn sense from a lore perspective. Scissors cut paper, sure, I can see that as a win condition. Rock breaks scissors? I guess that’s not wrong, but like, who’s out here breaking scissors with rocks on the regular? How did the rock become the scissor’s greatest nemesis? Then we get to the big one: Paper covers rock? You’re telling me this is such a devastating blow that rock has no choice but to resign in disgrace? You really want me to believe that a fist-sized rock couldn’t just plow through your standard sheet of 8.5x11" ANSI Letterhead like it’s, well… paper? The whole thing is propaganda by Big Paper and they’ve got us drilling it into our kids’ heads from day 1, and I’m not having it.