• 16 Posts
Joined 3 年前
Cake day: 2021年11月8日


  • Containers are not the solution for everything.

    Here is an example, I use the website aliexpress. I want to browse with multiple identifies, from various countries, different account and I also need to access with no cookies and no login, completely anonymous to defeat the value extraction AI aliexpress uses to show you higher margin sellers first.

    With containers you can create one container to always open that website in it. But you can’t choose which of all these context, you just get one default container per website. (or you have to manually manage them and it’s easy to slip up and get tracked)

    With multiple profile, you can name them and colour the firefox UI theme to represent which type of account this is. Anonymous/logged main/logged alt/ etc…

    The problem is the profile switcher addon doesn’t come as part of firefox base installation, you have to use about:profiles and it’s terrible by comparison.

    Profile switcher should be part of the base installation.

  • Profile switcher is amazing Combine with multiaccount container and container proxy, you can manage multi accounts on the same website, control multiple exit gateways VPNs for the same website and completely compartmentalize each type of activity from each other.

    Combine that with separate password vaults in each profile and you can greatly tighten your security.

    Like I have a banking only profile which has stripped yellow skin and it’s the only profile that has access to the password manager with my finance related passwords.

    Profile switcher should come out of the box with firefox because installing profile switcher addon and helper program is way too much work for normal people.

  • But evaluating a tab, deciding I have extracted all the information and that this tab is no longer useful.

    This is more labour than all other activities combined.

    But even worse than that. Going through the list of all tabs, each tab is a different topic, I need to context-switch to evaluate if I need that tab.

    Imagine you are going through one task, but then you think about your last 10 tasks before doing the next thing in your current task. This is a complete mind wipe.

    Sorting and closing tabs manually, is simply not worth my time. This is why I use tab management tools, I let the computer do the sorting for me.

    What I need is an AI assitant to do stuff like “real all my tabs, assign a category to each tab, now pull out all tabs related to my RF low noise amplifier project to a new window”.

    Doing this by hand is extremely tedious and massively slows me down.