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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023

  • Zip is fine (I prefer 7z), until you want to preserve attributes like ownership and read/write/execute rights.

    Some zip programs support saving unix attributes, other - do not. So when you download a zip file from the internet - it’s always a gamble.
    Tar + gzip/bz2/xz is more Linux-friendly in that regard.

    Also, zip compresses each file separately and then collects all of them in one archive.
    Tar collects all the files first, then you compress the tarball into an archive, which is more efficient and produces smaller size.

  • 1 is also a number, a number we chose by convention to be a base unit for all numbers. You can break down every number down to this unit.

    20 is 20 1s. 1.5 is 1 and a half 1.

    If we have Pi as a unit, circumference of a circle would be radius*2 of Pi units. But everything that doesn’t involve Pi would be a fraction of Pi, e.g. a normal 1 is roughly 1/3 of Pi units, 314 is roughly 100 Pi units, etc. etc.

  • I’m usually bad at chess, please point out if I’m wrong:

    c6 -> Ba4: bishop is safe, pin stands

    queen can’t take because:
    c6 -> Ba4 -> Qxa4: Rook and pawn for a Bishop

    Nc6: Knight is pinned

    Nc6 -> c4 -> a6 -> Ba4 and then push pawns? That’s something I’d have done.

    But realistically, I think pin, potential for blunder and applying pressure could be enough for a brilliant move, depending on rating.

  • janAkali@lemmy.onetoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldScript kiddies
    4 months ago

    Github is not a software distribution platform, it was never meant to be one. It’s a developer platform for code distribution and collaboration. And UI is designed around that.

    A lot of projects use it as a distribution platform, but they’re wrong - it’s always better to have a web page with simple download button for casual “ordinary” people.

    But, this case is special: this mostly harmless tool is designed and almost exclusively used to stalk / doxx / hack people =|. So, it’s not in developers interest to make it widely available and easy to install.

  • Well, then you have to find another name for that kind of software and define it that way. I certainly would support such an effort, i.e. to make software available to everyone at no cost.

    There’s no need to come up with new terms or change the existing ones. Free software is inherently free in price. And you can’t enforce paying for software without the restrictions put in place (e.g. drm). Here’s a quote from https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/selling.en.html :

    With free software, users don’t have to pay the distribution fee in order to use the software. They can copy the program from a friend who has a copy, or with the help of a friend who has network access. Or several users can join together, split the price of one CD-ROM, then each in turn can install the software. A high CD-ROM price is not a major obstacle when the software is free.

    Free software can have a price, but paying it is optional.