• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I would find it very sexy if my male partner sent me nudes while doing boring stuff like reading a book. Maybe get flirty and get an apron and cook naked on a video call together haha.

    I was in a long distance relationship for a long time and my boyfriend was very uncomfortable sending nudes, which made me bummed, but he did send me body pics which I really enjoyed. Seeing a partner’s face and arms and chest in pics is great.

    Mirror pics are also nice cause it’s fun to see your partner see themselves as sexy.

    Adding humor now and then is good too cause it simply makes people more comfortable.

    Next time you’re together, have her take some pics of you 😜

  • Spujb is good people. I appreciate all the content you post.

    So in all honesty, I have been adamantly anti Taylor Swift since the moment I learned there was a new pop star, but this is only because I hate all pop stars and anything corporate. I appreciate the reminder to check yourself on misogyny though. That really does slip into our subconscious so easily.

    You know what hate brigade I am praying for? Dave fucking Grohl. I cannot think of a more neutral ass corporate shill.

  • I got married Monday at a Mexican restaurant. We decided Friday night, bought pawnshop rings on Saturday, and got the certificate on monday morning before work. My cousin is a universal life church minister so he signed it for us and our waiter was witness. As untraditionally romantic as this seems, it was one of the best days of my life.

    Last week I got the breast cancer diag, so hopefully this is more positive :)

  • I used to spend my lunches watching videos on reddit’s /r/videos and for yeeeeeeeears they would just post videos of influencers talking about how they’re getting fucked by youtube. I rarely go to YouTube, I rarely use most social media I just wanted to waste my 5 to 10 minutes of eating a sandwich and watching a silly video or something, But I suddenly was very knowledgeable about all the stupid YouTube drama and it felt to me like the solution was to go somewhere else, in fact I got so fucking annoyed by these constant bitching about a garbage website that I stopped this lunch tradition entirely (But not before posting a long rant like an old man yelling at a cloud). However if there was an exodus that would also be admitting that these influencers would have to basically start over or hope their followers would follow them. They’re tied to their income I guess. I find it pretty despicable but I think that’s the reason. These people make a wild amount of money and it’s hard to walk away from it out of principle (for them, cause they scared lil b-holes).