Because is shutting down, here is my new Lemmy Account:

Feel free to pm me there or on matrix instead of replying to my comments / posts.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2023


  • Jumping on this to see if we can help each other out. I tried the lemmy Migrator and while Export works just fin, I get the following response when I Import, not only in DRY RUN Mode:

    *** DRY RUN enabled, no changes will be made ***

    [ Getting Main Account info - ] Logged into Traceback (most recent call last): File “/home/{user}/lemmy_migrate/lemmy_migrate/”, line 175, in <module> main() File “/home/{user}/lemmy_migrate/lemmy_migrate/”, line 148, in main sync_subscriptions(None, main_lemming, comms_backup) TypeError: sync_subscriptions() missing 1 required positional argument: ‘excld_comms’

    Also, when I try to use the Account Settings Export via the API, I use this:

    curl -v -X GET -u usrname:pwd > exp.txt

    I get the following Output: {“error”:“incorrect_login”}

    If anyone could help it would be amazing, I would be sad to lose it all. My AI of choice wasn’t any help btw, but my skills aren’t great with those things so…

  • I don’t know if this is the case in all countries or just some. If I were you (and if its legal) I would stick with your american bank accounts and just move some money to a new one in the countrey of residence. That way, you can accept paychecks and pay bills in that country, but you only have to create one account. Even that is a pain because you have to sign 10 different forms authorising the us gov. to do this and that with your bank accounts.