• 23 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Yesterday, I asked it to help me create a DAX measure for an Excel pivot table. The answers it gave were completely wrong. Each time, I would tell it the error that Excel was displaying and it would respond with “Sorry about that. You can’t use that function there for [x] reasons.”

    So it knows the reason why a combination of DAX functions won’t work but recommends them anyways. That’s real fucking useful.

  • I had a client years ago who was in his late 80’s. He grew up on a farm in Indiana and I remember him telling me a story about threshing grain. He was just a kid in the 1920’s, shoveling coal into the firebox on a big Case steam engine that they took from farm to farm. He said they would try to stay near a creek whenever they could so they had a water source for the engine. It was hard, hot work. He said there was a “big German fella” who worked on their crew who never drank anything but hot black coffee, something which fascinated him as kid.

    It was an interesting story to listen to. Such a mundane activity but the fact that it’s no longer a thing and only existed in the memory of someone who remembered doing it made it kind of fascinating

  • During WWII the United States government rounded up tens of thousands of people, including many US citizens, and put them in internment camps because they looked sort of similar to the people who bombed pearl harbor. Why? Because fear is a powerful drug and when people are afraid, logic tends to go out the window, if there was any logic to begin with. If you pay attention to conservative rhetoric, you’ll notice that much of it is intended to stoke fear, while inserting themselves as the solution. They do it because it works.

    Way out in the Arkansas Delta, in a soybean field 50 miles from anywhere, there is a memorial where one of these internment camps stood. If you aren’t looking for it, you’d probably drive right by it unnoticed. All around the camp there are these little voice boxes that you push a button on and it explains what you’re looking at. The voice providing the narration is none other than George Takei who was held there with his family as a child. Spend a little time at a place like this and it will quickly disabuse you of the notion that America has always rejected fanaticism.

  • I read an interview in the Democrat-Gazette with the daughter of Ms. Taylor, one of the victims. There are no words to describe how awful it must be to have one of your friends or family members just minding their own business only to be shot to death while checking out at the grocery store.

    Ms. Taylor’s daughter expressed frustrations that she wasn’t there because she thought she could have done something, implying that she would have shot the assailant. In her defense, the woman’s grieving and people who are in that state tend to think and say all kinds of stuff.

    But here’s the thing, the “good guy with a gun” mantra is idealistic at best. Even if you are a “good guy” with a gun, odds are that by the time you can even respond, the “bad guy” has already killed someone. Not to mention that in that very panic filled moment, there’s a much higher chance that you might accidentally shoot another bystander.

    “Good guy with a gun” is not a solution to “bad guy with a gun” because no amount of bullets fired by “good guys” will bring back the people who are already dead.

  • My personal experience essentially echoes what you’ve said. I’ve usually found that when I actually ask Trump supporters, which is probably most of the people I know, what they think and why, they are pretty candid about it. They will also voice frustrations, many of which I can understand or even agree with them on. There is a lot more common ground there than you might think.

    The problem is that most of the issues are complex and nuanced. Not that surprising. Issues that impact the population of an entire country, or even a sizeable chunk of it, are bound to be pretty complex. Here’s where things go off the rails.

    Kind of like you said, Joe Blow from Louisiana is often uneducated at best or a complete moron at worst. Joe Blow does not understand all the complexity surrounding the issues he’s upset about and figures that if he doesn’t understand it, neither does anyone else. He’s also a little too proud to admit he doesn’t understand it.

    This is why Republican party completely abandoned an issues bases platform, aside from completely fabricated pearl clutching social issues like those scary tRaNs PeOpLe or AboRtIoN. They know full well that they have nothing when it comes to meaningful solutions to actual problems and if they did, the few supporters they have with functioning brain cells would start to ask to many pesky questions. A divide and conquer strategy is much simpler and more effective; albeit incredibly destructive.

  • My first “real” job was in retail. One of the assistant store managers was an old Vietnam vet named John. John spent his whole [civilian] career, 40 something years, working there at a job he absolutely hated. He was notoriously grumpy, rough around the edges, and smoked like a freight train. But, John did two things for me that I will never forget.

    First thing: One day a customer was looking for something in a department that I wasn’t familiar with. I tried (and failed) to help him find what he was looking for. There wasn’t anyone staffing that area so I called John for help. The customer was an asshole. He was being a complete jerk from the start and when John showed up, he proceeded to tell John just exactly how incompetent he thought I was, while I was standing there.

    John just glared at him and very politely but sternly said, “Sir, I’m going to have to stop you right there. jubilationtcornpone is one of our finest employees and I’m sure he tried to help you as best he could. I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t talk about him like that.” The guy wasn’t happy but that did shut him up.

    Second thing: John and I are talking one evening and he just kind of puts his hand on my shoulder and says, “JubilationTCornpone, You need to get the hell out of here and go make something of yourself. You don’t want to be here when you’re my age. Don’t waste your life.”

    16 year old me didn’t particularly like John. He was a hard boss. Also, did I mention he was perpetually grumpy? But, he earned my respect. He stood up for me and wasn’t going to just stand by and let someone else treat me badly. Even if that meant losing a customer. If you’re an executive or manager and you force your people to just sit there and take it while they’re being bullied or harassed, then you’re an enabler.

    Nobody deserves to be treated like that. People get upset. Sometimes for legitimate reasons. i get that. That doesn’t give them the right to treat others like they’re less than human. Even if it’s someone that they’ll never meet face to face.