• 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 6th, 2023


  • I really, really hope this leads to development of data portability/server migration options. When I set my homeserver up, I chose Synapse as I didn’t know about the other servers. Now that I do, and would like to switch away because of Synapse’s performance problems and the new CLA stuff, I realize I and all my users are fully locked in, and would have to start from scratch (lose all chats, profiles, etc) to migrate.

  • I’m really looking forward to seeing it actually applied. I hope it uses Matrix for interop as I understand it would make bridges an official “feature” rather than a TOS-breaking unreliable hack. I hope it gets applied to Discord as well, since my university requires me to be in their guild so I’ve had to create an account and install the app. I also hope to see calls covered, so I can call people from Matrix who are on Facebook Messenger, for example.

  • I’m seeing others recommend the G14 2022 all-AMD one. I have owned this model since it released and use it nearly every day. Despite the performance being pretty okay, it does have its share of deal-breakers which, if I knew them at the time, I would not have bought it:

    • random freezing, this affects some units most zen3 amd laptops and it seems I got unlucky. ASUS has been ignoring the issue for a year despite the crashes being reproducible on Windows (Windows recovers from it while Linux just freezes)
    • short stutters due to fTPM. Hopefully once Arch updates the kernel to include the recent patch that blacklists all AMD fTPMs fixes this, for now you have to email ASUS to get a secret BIOS that allows disabling it
    • nonfunctional vfio (code 43) without patching BIOS variables with a sketchy script (have to disable rebar), rebinding after shutting down the vm still does not work at all for me
    • overheating while gaming, even with fans forced to max
    • wifi constantly disconnects. I mostly fixed it by buying a AX210 card from Intel
    • bottom shell is super brittle and cracked when unscrewing it

    The laptop itself would be the best Linux experience I’ve had if not for these issues. The trackpad is excellent and great for Wayland 1:1 gestures, the display and speakers are great, and the battery lasts a good 2-3h with light web browsing.