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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 13th, 2024


  • I’m an osteopathic medical student and I will tell you that chiropractic practice is all bullshit. It was invented by a guy who claims he got the information from ghosts, and their education doesn’t cover a fraction of what gets covered in nursing school, let alone medical school.

    If you’re interested in manipulative treatment, look for an osteopathic physician because our training is everything that MDs do plus the osteopathic manipulative medicine that’s based on studies of anatomy and clinical trials.

    Chiropractors are the ones that paralyze people and kill them by dissecting vertebral arteries. At best, their treatment will do nothing to help and just make crunchy noises, at worst, their techniques can kill you.

  • How does “being able to handle yourself” apply when someone else has removed your ability to handle yourself with drugs or alcohol? How does it apply when your choices are “go along with it and try to escape later” or “fight back and probably lose because you have less muscle mass and are physically smaller than them”?

    How does your argument apply when you are a teenage girl in high school being harassed by adult men? Reality is a very different place when the world perceives you as a woman (or girl), and your prescriptivist approach entirely fails to account for the fact that your perspective has a lot of blind spots in it.

  • Speaking as a woman who has been assaulted and harassed on multiple occasions by more than one man, I’d just interject that bears can at least be pretty predictable. If you don’t bother it, it very probably won’t bother you. The men who have assaulted and/or harassed me were people that (I thought) I knew and had been normal up to that point.

    This is a hyperbole, and if push comes to shove, I would rather be dropped in a forest with another human… but if that human is a man that is a stranger, then I’m going to have a different kind of guard up than I would for a bear.

    TL;DR: It’s easier to predict animal behavior than human behavior, and the bear won’t lie about being a friend before attacking you.

  • Not everyone can drive. Many households only have one car between multiple adults. Some can’t afford childcare and rely on nearby relatives to help out, and would have to start paying for childcare if they moved. Some people don’t have the education or job training that would allow them to get a job worth commuting to. Some people are reliant on social services or medical care that is not available otherwise. Many of the suburbs around American cities are just as expensive as the cities themselves but without walkable areas, nearby shops, or any public transportation.

    This is just a handful of examples and it barely scratches the surface of the more complicated issues at hand here