• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Yeah, anything above f/8.0 tends to be a bit too soft for me at 600 mm. At the lens’ lowest focal length of 150 mm, using f/6.3 tends to yield the sharpest results. Also remember that the larger the aperture, the smaller the number (f/6.3 is a larger aperture than f/8.0).

    The effect is greatly exaggerated by the focal length, yes. The background is mostly trees that are like 20 metres away.

    And yeah, photographing birds can be a bit tricky. So fast!

  • Common in the grand scheme of things, sure. But common for me? Nope. Especially the Firecrest is only rarely seen around here so it was exciting to finally be able to see it and also hear it sing :-) Same for the linnet, it isn’t all that common either. The Common Redstart for example is also quite uncommon here, despite its name. You mostly only see Black Redstarts around here.

    Where are you from that they’re so common where you are?

  • I would generally agree with you, just that I go there almost every day (I live basically right next to it) and have never seen them there. I have seen these ornamental birds in other places before (such as Muscovy Ducks, Peafowl, Mandarin Ducks …) but never Yellow-Billed Ducks and never around where I live. So I honestly have my doubts about them in particular having been placed there intentionally.

    I also checked Ornitho.de (the German eBird equivalent) and the only sightings of this duck in my region this year were from me (10.06.23) and someone who saw one of them around 10 km away on 06.06.2023.

    Egyptian Geese are pretty common here as well, though they’re not ornamental and are an actually somewhat established species here (just like Canada Geese which aren’t native to Germany but can be found everywhere). They can be pretty aggressive towards other birds, though.

  • For that to happen, I believe that interacting with people from other instances and moving your community and account from one instance to another have to become possible / easier.

    At present, people flock to the instances with most users as those often have more local content (local content is generally easier to find than federated content) and they often have a smaller risk of shutting down. If I create a community on a smaller instance, the chance of it being found and interacted with are also much smaller than if it had been created on a bigger instance (because of, as I said, local content being user to find).

    Sure, I can create an account on myfirstlemmyinstance.com (example URL, not an actual instance) with 10 users, but if my instance decides to shut down, my community of, say, 500 users will now have to move somewhere else and all old content will be deleted.