• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • Try running this: :set indentexpr= and then :set noautoindent. Without any config file, this works for me while in a makefile that looks like this:

    foo: foo.c bar.h
            $(CC) $< -o $@

    The indentexpr option is set by filetype, but disabling filetype indent after already opening a makefile is too late, it would need to happen before opening it (in either a config file or directly after running nvim without any file specified). However, indentexpr seems to only control the automatic indentation when hitting enter at the target line, but not within the recipe for it. To fix that I also had to disable autoindent.

  • Using a the ubuntu 24.04 docker image for testing, I was able to disable automatic indentation with this config in ~/.config/nvim/init.lua:

    vim.cmd("filetype indent off")

    If you prefer using vim syntax it would instead be the following in ~/.config/nvim/init.vim:

    filetype indent off

    Note: it seems this file is not loaded if a init.lua file is present in that directory

    Edit to add: So the reason this is required is, similar to vim (so you may already be familiar with this), there are filetype-specific configurations loaded. These usually reside in /usr/share/nvim/runtime/<plugin/indent/syntax/etc>/<filetype>. You can configure what files to load using the :filetype command.

    There’s more info here: https://neovim.io/doc/user/filetype.html

    Second edit: Also when filetype indent/plugin/syntax is on, it seems to be loaded after your user config, so it overrides it. You can investigate if your actual config was applied or not by running, for example, :set autoindent? or :set cindent?. If the values do not match your configuration, it was likely overridden by :filetype. This was the case for me.

  • Oscar@programming.dev
    toProgramming@programming.devRedis is no longer OSS
    3 months ago

    By the same argument, wouldn’t GPL and other copyleft licenses be considered non-free as well since you are not free to do whatever you want with the source? For example, incorporating it into a proprietary project, refusing to provide the source to users upon request, or not disclosing attribution, etc. The latter would even go against the terms of permissive licenses.

    Clearly defining what free, and by extension FOSS, means is very relevant.

  • It’s when you open a publicly facing port and map (forward) it to a local port your machine. In this case, it’s opened at the vpn provider’s public gateway. Otherwise, it would typically be opened in your router instead.

    You can then configure your torrent client to listen on that local port that the public port is forwarded to. I think generally the public and the local port are the same number when using VPN.

    If you do that, then others have the ability to initiate a connection to you instead of only you being able to initiate the connection to somebody else.

    When seeding/leeching to/from someone else, at least one of you needs a port open. So, if you always have one open, you allow yourself to connect to anyone on the network regardless if they have one open or not.

    Sorry if I confused you more, I’m not that great at explaining.