• 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 17th, 2022


  • This line of thought gets even more terrifying with the rise of churches endorsing further and further right ideals - we shouldn’t feed the hungry, we should persecute those secular organizations that do. The church shouldn’t help those dirty immigrants fleeing horrific living conditions, we should send them right back there since it’s “god’s will”.

    Parotioners already don’t think for themselves, it’s trivial to shift the Overton Window on what being a “good christian” means from the original teachings of Jesus to the rants from orange Jesus.

  • Sure, go for it and watch the American agriculture industry suffer. The immigrants (illegal or otherwise) are willing to do the incredibly difficult jobs of working the fields, harvesting difficult food, and so on. Here’s a Newsweek article from 2021 that suggests 49% of the agricultural workforce is illegal immigrants [source.].

    Those companies make bank by paying their workers under the table and under minimum wage. Maybe we should crack down on the companies hiring illegal immigrants instead of the actual workers?

    But, oh right, this is just another case of the GOP looking to hate on the Other and rile up their base