• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • pr06lefs@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlLaptop companies: which one?
    5 months ago

    Personally I’m holding out for a laptop based on the snapdragon elite X arm chips coming out later this year. Should be great for battery life (like 28 hours) and very fast. We’ll see how the linux support turns out. And also which manufacturers pick it up - would like framework but haven’t heard anything about that from them. Lenovo already released a system based on the old snapdragon chip so seems likely they’ll release one based on the elite X too.

  • The intent of nix-env was to make it easier, but the effect was to push some of your system state into a shadowy ‘env’ realm that is not managed by your *nix files. Same with channels - its state that isn’t in your configuration.nix.

    To me the whole point is to have all your state in some files you can check in to version control, and use to reproduce your system.

    Agree it would be cool to have a way to edit nix files that would give you all the args to functions, code completion etc. You do get some of that with the nix repl. Would be nice to even have a GUI for selecting packages for those that don’t “do” text editing.

    I’m using nixd for a nix language server, but haven’t seen a lot of benefit so far to be honest. I think part of the reason is nixpkgs isn’t pulled in until runtime, so most things are undefined as far as the lsp is concerned. Haven’t put a lot of time into it, there may be ways to make it more useful.

  • There is controversy in the nix world because nix flakes were (some say) merged without proper vetting first. OG nix diehards don’t want to taint nix documentation with ‘experimental’ flakes. But probably the majority of nix users are all in on flakes. So you have documentation from the OG camp that doesn’t include flakes, and you have innumerable unofficial guides for the flakes way. This on top of the quirkiness of nix the language and the multiple ways to do things. Unfortunate.

    IMO nix-env was a mistake. It feels like an imperative package manager which may be comfortable to new users who are used to apt or similar. But really what you should be doing on nix is maintaining *.nix files which document/specify your system setup, and nixos-rebuild to update your system to that configuration. Similarly, nix channels are an imperative holdover, which can be done away with if you use flakes, which results in your current nixpkgs version being documented in a system level flake.lock file.

  • I’ve used OpenSCAD. “Fun” I’d say, if you’re a programmer. No support for any kind of toolpath stuff, purely for making the shapes and that’s all. I made the shapes in openscad and imported them into Fusion360 to do the toolpaths. Fusion360 didn’t have awesome support for STL models which was what openscad could make, so sometimes things weren’t the best - like slots that were the width of the tool plain couldn’t be cut.

    If it could be made to work I’d much prefer using a foss workflow.