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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 1st, 2024


  • Completely agree.

    The Wikipedia article itself has this to say:

    Extinguish: When extensions become a de facto standard because of their dominant market share, they marginalize competitors who are unable to support the new extensions.

    By that logic Lemmy/Mastodon/fediverse are already extinguished. Those of us in the fediverse are already “marginalized” wrt Twitter/Threads/Facebook/whatever.

    There are very good reasons to hate Meta, but personally, I think EEE isn’t the biggest issue.

  • Maybe. Or this will play out like Slack and IRC.

    Initially, Slack integrated with IRC. Which was great! It meant I could use xchat to talk with folks, and could set up simple bots using standard IRC tools.

    And then Slack killed that feature…but it absolutely didn’t kill IRC, because die hard IRC users never cared about Slack in the first place.

    My prediction is it’ll be the same — what sort of people will be attracted to Threads vs a smaller “proper” instance? Probably the sort of people who would never consider a federated platform in the first place.

    Just speculation and I could certainly be wrong…

  • Yeah, I feel like the right has such a black-and-white/zero nuance view of things. So then the left goes and does the same thing!

    My sense is that these A*AB movements are really trying to say, “the institution of X is fundamentally flawed,” and that’s something I agree with definitely. But it’s worded provocatively, which is just…assinine. Like, the little old lady who would be priced out of her home if not for renting out a room to a college kid, below market value? Yeah total bastard…

  • I think the thing is, at the top of a big corporation yeah they don’t care. But the boots on the ground people who apply for a DEI or outreach type job? My experience is that they absolutely do care.

    I did bike to work one year. Big group of us all at different companies/school. We stopped at Oracle on the way, because they had a big bike to work party. Now, I suspect Larry E. doesn’t give a shit about me or my bike. But the people who put that on absolutely cared about the cause, about making people feel welcome, and overall, having a good time (I don’t/did not work for Oracle).

    The corporation doesn’t care about you. But there might be some people who work there who do.