
Materials Science PhD candidate in Pittsburgh, PA, USA

My profile picture is the cover art from Not A Lot of Reasons to Sing, But Enough, and was drawn by Casper Pham (recolor by me).

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Totally agreed, but I was also surprised not to see raisins on your list! They’re great cooked right along with the oats: they’ll soak up a little water (or milk if you do it that way) and plump back up a bit, and they make for delicious bites. I also usually make steel-cut oats in a rice cooker – they don’t come out quite as delicious with quick oats because they don’t get as much opportunity to suck up water, but they’re still good.

  • I ran an intro game of Lancer for some local friends of mine! It was fun, although I should know by now that a one shot is never a one-shot, especially for players who are new to a system.

    Also continued my game of Shadowrun I’ve set in Denver. Had some really interesting character moments that arose from one of the players forgetting that they should have told their in-game family they were going to be away overnight (and me forgetting to have their in-game SO call them to check in…). Advanced the plot right up to just before where I’m planning on introducing the main storyline to the players, very excited for the next time we get to play!

  • I’ve also heard great things about Crosscode. I haven’t started it yet (mainly because I’m worried about what it will do to my already flagging productivity), but from what I’ve heard about it, it sounds like it’d fit the bill quite well!

    I really enjoyed Death’s Door, which is frequently compared with Tunic. That might be one to check out!

    You might also be interested in Supergiant’s older games: Bastion and Transistor. They’re the team behind Hades, but those older games don’t have the same rogue-like elements that Hades does. (They also both have absolutely phenomenal soundtracks by Daren Korb!)

    You might also like Divine Divinity (the 21 year old predecessor to the popular Divinity: Original Sin).

  • They look delicious! A home-grown tomato is, in my experience, always much tastier than anything you can buy in a store these days. I love to snack on some fresh cherry tomatoes with nothing but a little bit of salt whenever I’m at my parents’ place during the right season for them. (And they’ll be the first thing I plant when I’m in a permanent enough place to have my own garden.)