I have too many toothbrushes

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • You don’t need that: Proton will only surrender accounts/information to local authorities with the appropriate paperwork - and that’s their selling point on privacy, swiss law being pretty protective of privacy ; in this case, a corpus of evidence has been submitted by a recognized foreign entity & considered valid for action in regard to swiss law.

    That’s what makes proton secure for journalists, political opponents and such: no swiss judge will enable any random dictator to get a dissident’s info, it won’t fly with swiss law. And if that escalates to bogus criminal charges, it is still up to a swiss judge to decide how and if to proceed.

    You put your trust in Switzerland here, not in a nerdy business with an atom-smashing background.

  • ReallyZen@lemmy.mlOPtoFrance@jlai.luLiseuse vivlio - retours d'expérience ?
    4 months ago

    Je suis pas convaincu, et la nouvelle version de la kobo clara était moins chère et étanche - et je “sais” ou je vais. Ou je croyais, voir plus bas. Vivlio c’est juste un re-branding d’un autre fabricant, c’est pas indépendant, c’est DRM et application propriétaire donc bof.

    “Nouveauté” kobo, quasi impossible de la démarrer une première fois sans créer de compte (ce ne fut pas le cas avec la clara hd) ; j’ai utilisé mon téléphone pour faire un point d’accès bidon, proton mail pour faire une adresse jetable, et suis quand même assez fâché. Il y a une solution recommandée si tu cherches, elle n’a pas marché pour moi et rebootait le processus d’initialisation chaque fois.

    Désolé pour le removed de réponse, ton message n’est pas apparu dans mes notifications.

  • All that was said here, plus sometimes they don’t work. I’ve reported a bug where the kdenlive flatpak version doesn’t render titles or fades - and that’s on Debian Testing, Arch, and Asahi Fedora. Native version works perfectly, but forces me to download an untidy amount of KDE stuff on my gnome installs ; flatpak would’ve been a cool solution to that.

    I am yet to report another where Ardour nukes pipewire, at least on Asahi, but on Arch it was misbehaving also. Native, distro-provided version works perfectly.

    I don’t trust flatpak because no one single publisher can test every possible config, and I’m afraid distros become “lazy” and stop packaging native versions of stuff since it’s a lot of work.

  • ReallyZen@lemmy.mltoFrance@jlai.luInsupportable 😠
    5 months ago

    C’est la faute à toutes ces normes, là, c’est sûrement un truc européen ou quoi que on peut même pas avoir la taille de marches qu’on veut mais obligé faut casser celles d’avant toutes mignonnes et au nombre de trois conformément à l’affiche parce que ça doit être 19,5 centimètres ou bien t’es pas en règle et tu vas te faire clouer au pilori la tête en bas avec des quignons de pain coincés entre les orteils pour que les pigeons viennent te picorer la plante des pieds.

    Ah ben non tiens la dernière marche elle est pas à la même taille. Au pilori !

  • It’s fixed by now I think ; I never update between projects, so sometimes would go a few months between updates and it hasn’t happen anymore. When it did, the fix was simple enough while still annoying of course.

    AFAIK now the keyring gets updated first if needed. In the middle of something here, can’t try unfortunately - but at the time of the issue, while the first-level answer was “Update All The Things (all the time)”, the problem was on the table, and acknowledged as in need of a fix.

  • Amazon je peux pas. La paperwhite est la meilleure liseuse que j’aie jamais possédé, avec la puce 3g et l’accès wikipedia partout dans le monde + rétro-éclairage + Calibre (I use Arch btw) + la fluidité du logiciel, c’était la meilleure.

    Mais je peux plus quoi. Tout est immonde dans cette entreprise.

    Donc après m’être assis dessus, j’ai choisi kobo mais c’est encore pas terrible, dit-on. On les accuse d’être un rouleau compresseur qui tue les petites librairies.

    Bon j’ai bien tout regardé le site de vivlio, c’est DRM, application propriétaire etc.

  • Late to the party, but we’re talking long-term feedback, right? My point of comparison is a 2017 8th gen i5 dell 7385 with 8gb of ram, running Arch/Gnome.

    I’m just out of a huge project involving Ardour, Audacity, kdenlive, Jack, Wireplumber and many gigs of media files on my 2023, brand new, M2 Pro, 16gb Ram 14inch mbp.

    I installed Asahi Fedora Remix straight out of the box after updating the mac side (mandatory!). Install is indeed super-smooth. I choose to conform to defaults, and installed the KDE desktop variant ; as expected, I didn’t enjoy it and installed Gnome almost immediately. I’m a long time Gnome user fanatic tbh.

    It Just Works, plain and simple.

    • I was expecting to be blown away by the performance, but it just feels "normal’, launching Firefox or whatnot isn’t that different from Linux on an old i5. It is snappy, but it’s not like Linux doesn’t work very well on average hardware.

    • Rendering video was admittedly faster, but I only worked on 1080p 45s to 4min stuff, so not a scientific measure here.

    • Battery life is good while running the Ardour multitrack DAW for instance. I noticed on macos, gaming on steam, that I can drain it pretty fast if I just play obliviously in the middle of the day. So not a bad battery, really usable work hours out of it - within workloads limits.

    • Sleep battery consumption is bad, about 50℅ a day. Better turn it off between things, and reboot.

    • …Which is what I do to my other laptop, it being plagued by S3 sleep issues. But booting the i5 is fast, so it’s OK. Boot times of the mbp isn’t that fast tho, again I was expecting more from the hardware.

    • Some software isn’t available on the Fedora repos or flatpak/flathub for the 64bits Arm architecture, but there’s much much that is available, including for me the latest wireplumber / jack stack which I do need IRL for work.

    • You will have to learn Fedora’s dnf package manager tool, but it’s “the same” as anything .deb, or about.

    So there are minor annoyances pertaining to my use case, but it is more than bearable. I’d never have bought such device without the Asahi project, it is a great daily driver to live (and puzzle coworkers) with.

    Now, 3 fingers swipe up, and Spin The Cube, Dude!