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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023

  • Not at all what I meant. The premise was that this wouldn’t happen if they were being paid fairly. Supply chain attacks happen with or without fair pay.

    Look at what happened with the XZ backdoor. Whether or not they’re getting paid just means a different door is opened.

    The root of the problem is that we blindly trust anyone based on name-brand and popularity. That has never in the existence of technology been a reliable nor an effective means of authentication.

    If it’s not outright buying out companies it will be vulnerabilities/lack of appropriate management, if it’s not vulns it’ll be insider threat.

    These are problems we’ve known about for at least a decade+ and we’ve done fuck all to address the root of the problem.

    Never trust, always verify. Simple as that.

  • For anyone interested - I’d you are using umatrix to block shit you can punch these lines into a new text file and import as blocklist, then commit it with the tiny arrow that points left toward the permanent list to save it permanently:

    * www[.]googie-anaiytics[.]com * block

    * kuurza[.]com * block

    * cdn[.]polyfill[.]io * block

    * polyfill[.]io * block

    Remove the square brackets before saving the file - these are here to prevent hyperlinks and misclicks.

    Edit: this is not a bulleted list, every line must start with an asterisk, just in case your instance doesn’t update edits made to comments quickly.

  • Not quite!


    mylist = [value for value in range(1,20)]

    This says I want to make mylist be a list where each element of the list (called value here) comes from doing a for loop on range, given the parameters 1, and 20.

    If you want to change how each element of this list is, you do it in the first bit on “value”

    So you could do

    mylist = [value*5 for value in range(1,20)] //5,10,15,…,95 (not 100, because ranges go up to the last item, not including it (non-inclusive))

    Etc. Hope this makes sense!


  • Where there is a will, there is a way.

    You might not be able to use the same beaten paths as everyone else, but you can always hack a new path.

    At the end of the day, I can’t speak for the entire industry, but when I look for new employees, I care less about resume experience and more about education, drive, and creativity. Once they’re in the role, I can show them the ropes. We also (hopefully many others, if not a majority) invest in serious training and learning platforms to keep people updated.

    Infosec is about continuous learning and curiosity. You don’t have the luxury of learning the skill and being done. Security, arguably, changes the most out of all the tech spaces and you need drive and curiosity above all else.

    If you’re serious about infosec, you sometimes have to hack it to make it. A -> ? -> B

    If you don’t mind me asking, what field are you in rn?

  • Let me just step back here, away from the fact that they’re obtrusive, annoying, and waste your time you didn’t sign away.

    Malvertising is a serious risk these days. Every week we see new malware kits, phishing and increasing complexity. Now, Google’s search algo source code has been leaked. You can bet your shiny ass that the attacks will get more dangerous and even harder to discern.

    Block the fuck out of ads, JavaScript, frames, xhr. Use a secure browser that doesn’t have ad revenue at their forefront and use hardened configs where possible.

    This isn’t tin foil hat, and it’s not hard. Plenty of people out here want you safe and for corpos to eat shit.