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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • Reading the comments about Domino’s coupon obsession, I feel like giving an economics story about when JC Penney said nuts to sales and coupons and nearly went bankrupt.

    Corpos in food and retail found that overpricing things then hitting you with deals and coupons caused American audiences to feel like they were getting a good deal. 15 buck pizza for only 6 dollars? Sounds like a deal until you realize that it’s really cheap to make thanks to suppliers and premade frozen pizzas. But if they always price it at 6 bucks, you’re gonna raise an eyebrow.

    What if you don’t do that? JC Penney had that idea a few years ago, since their industry basically priced jeans for 100 bucks and then said they were 70% off almost every day. So they tried everyday low prices and… they nearly bankrupted themselves. Lots of factors, but their main factor was their usual clientele thought they weren’t getting a deal even though the prices were cheaper than competitors (while not really attracting a new audience savvy enough to know sales are a scam).

    Point is, Domino’s is in a cycle of coupons or bust. It’s a shame you don’t have good pizza options at reasonable prices nearby, though, and a shame the good old days of free delivery seem behind us.

  • If it’s one to one how we get erect normally, and as the human body essentially inflates using blood, your teeth would ultimately be blood sponges. Seems impractical.

    Of course, take it a step farther and maybe physiologically the blood hardens to a sharp point. I know some fantasy settings where bloodstone is a thing, so I guess that. If it was possible, it’d look sick as fuck.

  • I have a friend I help with her start up and occasionally she starts that shit with me. I have zero patience for boss speak and my labor is free so I just tell her off.

    Just because in your head you RP as a boss doesn’t mean I’m going to do a meeting instead of an email, and a little friendly, humble speech goes a long way vs. whatever the fuck these rude ass emails are.

  • Yeeeah… I vaguely remember that. Granted, he was never meant to be a role model, he’s a drug addict (although that doesn’t stop certain men from thinking he’s a badass to emulate?).

    So I guess the real episode would go: one of the cool interns makes the recommendation when brainstorming around a white board, he shoots them down, and then assigns all manner of psych drugs that kinda work until the intern does the treatment themselves and get canned for it (but two seasons later we see they’re a doctor doing a great job).