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Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • tetha@feddit.detoAutoland@feddit.deWie Carbrains denken
    7 months ago

    Monitoring-Weisheit: Durchschnitte sind dreckige Lügner. Quantile sind unintuitiv, aber bringen die Wahrheit. Wenn 10% deiner Fahrten derartig weit sind, muss man für diese Ausreisser eine Lösung finden, aber 90% funktioneren mit irgendeinem E-Flitzer.

    Und den Plan hör ich inzwischen von mehr und mehr Kollegen und Freunden. Kleineres E-Auto an Photovoltaik für die Fahrten zum Supermarkt, zur Schule, zum Sport und so. Und vllt nen grösseres Fahrzeug für Ausflüge, Festivals, weiter Fahrten… oder man mietet sich da zeitweise was für 4-5 Tage.

  • A former Wagner mercenary in July told Euronews that while he served in Ukraine one of his main duties was to ensure Russian conscripts - “barely 21-years-old” - would not run away, as they were so reluctant to fight.

    Doesn’t this compare apples to oranges?

    One is an aggressive war. People are shipped into Randomiskan without clear indication what’s going on, why they should be there and they are supposed to die for the glory of the state. Sorry, but that’s when everyone wants to run. That’s also distinctively different from WW2, when concrete evidence of mass murder in occupied europe was available.

    The other would be a defensive war. An outside aggressor wants to wipe out your culture and accepts killing or deporting anyone you consider important in your life. Putting it like that, WW2 was very much a defensive war from the allied side. That’s a very different motivation.

  • tetha@feddit.detoich_iel@feddit.deich🏳️‍🌈iel
    10 months ago

    Im letzten Job hatte ich nen Kollegen. Klassischer Metalhead mit langen Haaren, Bart, langer Kerl. Zum Weltfrauentag isser immer im Kleid auf die Arbeit gekommen. Total grossartig. Ich bin da noch zu verklemmt für.

    Aber vllt kauf ich mir zum Christopher Street Day und zum Weltfrauentag Haarkreide und lauf ein paar Tage mit langen Regenbogen-Haaren rum. Haha.

  • The thing is, I don’t have an answer to all of these questions.

    On the other hand, I know pagan bands with songs about “Killing all the christian heathens coming to colonize scandinavia”. About “Crushing the roman christians coming to take germanic women with their fairy tales of a weak god”. (BTW, this is explicitly not about german nationalism. There are nazis abusing these terms of skandinavian/germanic origins, many of them, but this isn’t part of that). Those are what I meant when I said: I’m not sure if I want to discuss those with a christian I don’t necessarily trust. Because face it, norse mythology was colonized by roman christians. maybe for good, maybe not, I don’t know.

    And in another direction, a lot of metal / heavy metal / rock imagery is based around pushing and prodding and poking christians. Not just subtly. They thrived on this to establish themself as counter-culture. “You are Christians. We are sons of satan. We listen to the other music.” For those, I can very much find a foundation in christian religion. Like, look at denmark. Burning a stack of paper shouldn’t be a big thing, but now they are creating laws against burning the Koran. Not sure how I feel about this.

    In that light, I’d very much be in favor of a school uniform, or a specification of unicolor shirts / t-shirts without imagery, I have to say. Concessions are bound to be abused in every way, with that hat on.

    The sad thing to me personally is: IMO, we should embrace diversity. Someone wearing a weird cloth on top of their hair should be a source of curiosity. It should be an exposure to something new and an option to grow and reflect and to learn they are just a person, just a bit different. Like the first time you try to cook for a vegetarian, a vegan, or try to date a lesbian.

  • tetha@feddit.detoich_iel@feddit.deIch🏳️‍⚧️♟️iel
    10 months ago

    Es ist kompliziert.

    Es gibt Sport, in dem das Geschlecht dominant ist. Es gibt Sportarten, in denen non-trans-Männer non-trans-Frauen aus evolutionären Gründen hart überlegen sind, primär durch Testosteron. Wenn zwei gleich lange MMA-Kämpfer antreten, und es gibt keine signifikanten Faktor ausser Mann vs Frau, wird der Mann nach der Pubertät gewinnen ohne sich gross anzustrengen.

    Und hey, ich als männliche Bürodrohne kenn Frauen die mich physikalisch fertig machen können. Bei vielen Anderen fragt man sich, ob die das im Moment wirklich versuchen. Bis man feststellt, dass die ersteren Damen es im Ernstfall auf ekelige Dinge wie Gelenk-Überdehnungen und Brechungen anlegen. Sorry, ist leider so.

    Schach gehört nicht dazu.

    Und darum finde ich find es korrekt, dass Frauen-Schach getrennt wird, weil es einfach weniger Frauen gibt, die professionell Schach spielen. Und dann kommen noch Belästigungen und sexuelle Übergriffe dazu, die die Menge von Spielerinnen weiter reduziert. Lichess hatte dazu letztens einen echt harten Artikel.

    Und andersdrum tritt Judit Polgar echt vielen Männer auf dem Brett in die Weichteile.

    Und wie man das dann mit Trans-Gedanken zusammenbringt… um ehrlich zu sein, keine Ahnung. Ich fände es besser, wenn Menschen in dieem Kontext Sex einfach ausblenden könnten.

    Ich mein, Frauen sind so eine Sache. Was ist mit 10 Jahre alten Kindern die 2000 FIDE Elo haben?

    Ich find es eigentlich schade, dass so ein egalitäres Konstrukt wie Schach defakto negativ in derartige Diskussionen reingezogen wird. Blunders sind Blunders meine Freunde.

  • tetha@feddit.detoLinux@lemmy.mlWhat exactly does systemd do?
    11 months ago

    I mean to a certain degree, I can understand if people find a problem with Poetterings approach of doing things !CORRECTLY!. Like, systemd-resolved resolving A-records with multiple addresses ina deterministic fashion because it’s not defined not to be deterministic, and because actual load balancing would be better. It’s not wrong, but it’s breaking everything. And it got patched after some uproar. And there are a few things like that.

    But at the same time - I don’t think people appreciate how hard doing process management right on linux can be, especially if the daemon to run is shitty. Like, init scripts just triggering the shutdown port on a tomcat - except the tomcat is stuck and not reacting to the normal shutdown port and now you have a zombie process and an init script in a fucked up state. Or, just killing the main process and for some reason not really removing the children, now there’s zombies all over the place. Or, not trying appropriate shutdown procedures first and just killing things, “because it’s easier” - except my day just got harder with a corrupt dataset. Or, just trying soft and “Pwease wexit Mr Pwocess” signals and then just giving up. Or having “start” just crash because there was a stale PID from an OOM killed process around. Man I’m getting anxiety just thinking about this.

    And that’s just talking about ExecStart and ExecStop, pretty much, which I have done somewhat correct in a few init scripts back in the day (over months of iteration of edge cases). Now start thinking about the security features systemd-analyze can tell you about, like namespaces, unmapping syscalls, masking parts of the filesystem, … imagine doing that with the jankyness of the average init.d script. At that point I’d start thinking about rebooting systems instead of trying to restart services, honestly.

    And similarly, I’m growing fond of things like systemd-networkd, systemd-timesyncd. I’ve had to try to manage NetworkManager automatically and jeez… Or just directly handling networking with network-scripts. Always a pleasure. Chucking a bunch of pretty readable ini-files into /etc/systemd/networkd is a blessing. They are even readable even to people rather faint on the networking heart.

  • tetha@feddit.detoLinux@lemmy.mlI F*cked up and I need help.
    11 months ago

    And even password based disk encryption can be defeated with 2-3 physical accesses if an organization wants to hard enough. Keyloggers can be very, very sneaky.

    At that point you’d have to roll something like Yubikey-based disk encryption to be safe, because this re-establishes control over some physical parts of the system. Until they find the backup Yubikey you had to not lose all data by losing the primary key you’re carrying around to maintain control over it.

    It’s not a battle the defending side can win.

  • tetha@feddit.detoEurope@feddit.deWacken Open Air 2023 deluged by rain
    11 months ago

    They said they will refund the tickets. They are just working about how. This is tearing me apart to a degree though.

    Like, for one, this was entirely unprecedent amounts of rain. Pretty much twice the amount of rain of the worst 4 times of rain the festival received over 31 years.

    On one hand, this is at least a tiny drop of salvation on the fans that cannot get into the holy grounds. You at least get these 300 euro tickets back. Though, people have spent 8 - 10 hours arriving in cars per direction, spend hundreds more in festival prep, slept in cars because of nonsense. For nothing, in many cases.

    And they are losing out on what’s going to be the biggest vacation they have that year. Money doesn’t fix that.

    And on the other hand, festivals are dying at the moment. Corona has killed so many cool festivals, because long-term rent contracts were not met by ticket revenue and on-site revenue. And now, 35000 out of 85000 festival guests of Wacken cannot come and have to be refunded at 300 euros / ticket. That’s a casual million euros gone. And on-site revenue from those guests is gone as well, thirty percent easily. That’s really hard.

    The timing here really, really sucks, just being after the corona years. For everyone.

  • And that skeleton of a system becomes easier to test.

    I don’t need to test ~80 - 100 different in-house applications on whatever many different versions of java, python, .net and so on.

    I rather end up with 12 different classes of systems. My integration tests on a buildserver can check these thoroughly every night against multiple versions of the OS. And if the integration tests are green, I can be 95 - 99% sure things will work right. The dev and testing environments will figure out the rest if something wonky is going on with docker and new kernels.

  • tetha@feddit.detoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlFrontend vs backend
    11 months ago

    Entirely true.

    I’m currently working on a little project that’s interesting to me (a low-spoiler walkthrough system for adventure games) and after a lot of back and forth, I decided to cut all of JS out of the picture. Just get rid of all of it, and do good old 90s server-side rendered HTML with modern CSS placed on top of it.

    And that’s, honestly, a joy. The first draft of a page looks like the first screenshot, then you add some semantic classes to the html and throw some simple CSS at it and it looks acceptably neat. And I could get rid of so much janky toolchain I just fail to understand.

  • tetha@feddit.detoich_iel@feddit.deich_iel
    11 months ago

    Ich muss immer noch drüber lachen. Paar Jahre zurück hab ich 2-3 unsere Firmen-Standorte besucht.

    Die Niederlande waren grossartig. Man konnte nen Grossteil der einfachen Sprache verstehen und mit ein wenig Nuscheln und Platt verstanden auch andere einen gut genug.

    Und dann kamen wir nach München. Da hab ich mich irgendwann auf Englisch verständigt. Weil… nei. Wat?

  • I’m more of a specialist and a rule lawyer.

    I mostly have a small collection of games ranging from easily explained to really huge. Like, I have Flashpoint, or Pandemic, or Betrayal at the house on the Hill. All of these are games you can understand well enough in 1-2 rounds of going if you know boardgames a bit. And then there are things like Junta, Arkham Horror, Eldricht Horror, Battlestar Galactica, considering to get the new dune game. Those are great, but a lot harder to get into.

    But that’s a quality my current gaming circle likes. I can pick up a lot of rulesets and digest them decently quickly, because I’ve played a lot of games, and a lot of complicated games over the years. Like, if you’ve dealt with MtG and Dominion, you’ve seen 90% of deck building concepts and rules. Some P&P RPG experiences in 2-3 frameworks cover a lot of ground for a bunch of game rules. You kinda learn how rules tend to be written, how rules tend to be designed, and how rules are usually intended to be and that helps processing rulesets quicker.