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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Please don’t buy into geoengineering. We need to repair our relationship to nature through rewilding. We should be changing the way we live, giving up large monoculture crop that goes toward animal husbandry and rewilding the planet to sequester carbon emissions. We are in this situation because our ancestors changed the land and the wildlife so radically in our attempts to industrialize. We overfished, killed whales, ran large predators into extinction, removed most old growth forest among many other things. Humans have tried geoengineering before, we dam rivers, flood planes, dig canals, level the earth and introduce species where they are not native, among large chemical, mineral, metal and other injections to the ground, sky and water. The climate models see carbon sequestration, SRM and geoengineering as attractive options because it lets us continue business as usual. We do need rapid change, of the way we live and with our relationship with the earth.

  • From your post and your comments, it sounds like your work environment isn’t comfortable. The other topic I was expecting was that you didn’t find job satisfaction, but you didn’t say that at all.

    Comfort in the workplace is something many women struggle with and working from home was liberating. If the temperature is wrong, or your seating isn’t comfortable or you don’t feel like you can take appropriate length breaks at the office, these are classic problems that need reform in the office. Humans aren’t built to sit and make small movements on a keyboard and mouse all day, it breaks you.

    I encourage you to look into work reform and workers rights. You aren’t alone on this. Don’t buy into the “work isn’t supposed to be fun” thing. Work should. Matter and you should want to work, if you don’t, that is the fault of the employer, not you. I worked stupid jobs and was abused by the system for 8 years before I was able to find a tolerable place, I’m still recovering years later from frustration and burnout.

    Bullshit jobs by David Graeber is a great read.