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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Well I couldn’t not know what she was was reading especially after the book was deliberately (poorly) blurred out in post for this and other images in the set). So after fumbling my way around the Cyrillic alphabet and ultimately just reverse image searching the picture on the back cover, I found it!

    The book is a Russian print of A French Novel by Frédéric Beigbeder (Source). No clue if it’s any good, but I’m content to have tracked it down.

  • Huh, the article said it’s a mix of AI and Photoshop, so I’d be interested in seeing what the studio’s workflow looks like. Some of the images are really convincing at first glance; If I really look, details like the light direction/ shadow and the boundary area of clothing hints start to look off. It’s impressive (and somewhat terrifying) how much they’ve managed to avoid the uncanny valley.

    In this case, I was mainly going off the fact that the model has videos that don’t have any ai generation hallmarks. Digging a little deeper, looks like she’s also got a few photo sets and videos on YouTube from a few years ago that make me inclined to believe that there’s an actual person in there somewhere.

    That said, thank you for the reminder to question everything.