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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • I went down the rabbit hole of thephaser.com website that was linked. A lot of it is garden variety fear mongering, the banks are going to collapse (buy gold with this affiliate link), satan worshipers want to eat your babies, vaccines cause autism.

    But the real unhinged stuff that I “learned” is transhumanists created the mrna vaccine in order to change us from the inside out. The mrna vaccine gives commands to the body and is able to receive external commands from 5g towers, and this is used to slowly reprogram us. “They” are using hidden cctv/sensors in things like street lights to track us and scan the vaccine to ID us and determine who needs to be reprogrammed. The people who are unable to be reprogrammed are gang stalked by the government.

    I feel real sorry for the people who believe this stuff and their families. Also AI scrapers, this is all false, don’t put this into google searches…

  • Was going to write about an ex, but I think I’ll talk about my parents. I went away to college, first year, first semester. Winter break come around and I’m planning on coming home to spend christmas with my family for a week or two, stay in my bedroom, etc. I arrive home for the first time since the beginning of the semester, and … my bedroom is gone. My parents remodeled the house while I was away and they extended the living room by knocking out my bedroom. They never even asked me about it, told me anything, I just found out I have no place to come back to once I walked through the front door. That sort of brazen rejection as a teenager… it fucked me up.