image transcript:

screenshot of a twitter post:
TomboysForBiden(but Anime)🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 posts:
Would you press it?

will you push the button?

99% chance of getting 1 million dollars
1% chance of becoming a girl

Olufémi O. Taiwo quote retweets the post: philosophy twitter: can we agree that this is not a math question

tumblr post, replying to the screenshot:
as a completely cis dude, | would press this button immediately, without question. There are a lot of things | would do for money, but shit I’d do this for like 20 bucks… maybe less?

She said with all too much confidence

A DAY!??!?!

  • I seem to be the minority here, but, while I’d press the button, I wouldn’t mash it or press it a bunch of times, or eagerly press it… because periods. And PMS. And misogyny. But, mostly periods.

    I think being a girl has some pretty sucky parts that is guys completely avoid, and for which I’m really grateful. And I think a lot of dudes who fantasize about transitioning sort of skip over, although I guess with no ovaries trans women get to avoid the worst of it. Although they still have to deal with the patriarchy, and that’s pretty shitty.

    So, yeah. I’d press it, but with some trepidation.