archomrade [he/him]

  • 40 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • There’s maybe two problems with this:

    • public housing is a part of the picture, and so are public libraries. The solution is certainly not to cut library spending just because there are homeless people using it
    • Thinking there being homeless people around is an issue that needs solving is itself pretty bigoted. Like, maybe you have a problem with people who haven’t showered for a while? or people who use the library for personal activities because there are no better places for them to do them? But ‘these people are a problem’ itself becomes problematic because you’ve consolidated those qualities you find objectionable into a class of person, and that makes it really easy to forget/misplace/dismiss the humanity those people deserve.

    It’s a common attitude, so don’t feel like i’m picking you out personally to scold. More people should be aware of how that attitude dehumanizes people experiencing shelter insecurity.

  • Does your coalition include Biden? Does it include democratic politicians that are obstructing justice against Israeli war crimes? Do you have any justification for Biden to not be more forcefully condemning Israeli fascism other than ‘he needs the votes of people who support Israeli fascism’?

    Hate to break it to you, bud, but if the extent of your anti-fascist organizing is signing onto the democratic voting rolls then you’re not an anti-fascist revolutionary, you’re just a anti-republican liberal. Which isn’t the worst thing you can be! No shame in shitting on republicans, they’re literal neo-nazis. But a part of being an anti-fascist is opposing all fascism, not just the fascism that’s most immediate to you.

  • People have been banned for being propagandists. One even admitted to it. I can’t imagine you’d ever admit that what you’re doing is not on the level, so unfortunately people are left to base their opinions on observations.

    I’ll make the debate easy for you: I am doing agitative-propaganda. My goal is to agitate liberals into taking action against the genocide their party is supporting. My memes are intended as a counter-balance to those other liberal-propaganizing memes that seek to rationalize, normalize, and dismiss the political problems electoralism simply cannot address.

    Please pass this comment along as evidence for my community ban, on some level it would be a relief to not have to deal with the self-valorizing liberal propaganda that seems to be the norm.

  • The anti-fascist label is the correct label to describe a political movement that is against fascists. That is self-evident.

    Lmao the anti-fascist label does not have room in it to tolerate material support of genocide, or to justify that tolerance because you need to include those people who support it to serve your other goals.

    You’re free to call it an ‘anti-maga-fascist’ coalition if you want. That seems less likely to confuse people who would like to actually act against fascism in all its forms and features, not just the ones that are most immediate to yourself.