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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • I hear a lot about those distros around here. I recently settled on openSUSE Tumbleweed after having used Fedora and ZorinOS for a while. It’s so good, I haven’t thought about switching to anything else. Manjaro, Pop_os, and NixOS are on my list if that ever changes.

    I like AppImage a lot and I wonder why that didn’t take off like Flatpak did. A timing issue, perhaps?

  • Appx is locked down tight on purpose. It’s built to be a more secure application platform than exe.

    Not saying it’s right and you should have to deal, but that’s why.

    Editing to say I also went Linux last year and I love it far too much to ever go back to Windows. Flatpaks are similar to AppX but at least you can customize the permissions for them. Still I find them to be a bit of a pain to use for some apps.

  • discusseded@programming.devtoCurated Tumblr@sh.itjust.works"Twy Edge Pwetty Pwease"
    3 months ago

    Run a PowerShell session as admin and enter the following commands:

    Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online | Where-Object { $_.PackageName -match “OneDrive” } | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online -AllUsers

    Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Where-Object { $_.Name -match “OneDrive” } | Remove-AppxPackage -AllUsers

    Might be easier to do this in PowerShell ISE so you can edit these two commands. But this will first remove the installer package for OneDrive so that it can’t reinstall again, and then it removes the installed app from all profiles.

    I haven’t personally tested this, but I use PowerShell professionally and the commands are solid. If it didn’t work then it just means that Microsoft packaged OneDrive in a different manner than the other built-in apps. You can also remove other annoying apps that are pre-loaded this way. Just swap out “OneDrive” for the proper name or partial proper name of the appx app. Use Get-AppxPackage by itself to learn what the proper names are for the apps that are installed.

  • Same here. I think my friends have been expecting me to come crawling back to Windows but not only have I since used the SSD for other Linux projects, I have had no desire to go back to Windows. OpenSUSE Tumbleweed with KDE has been a true delight to use and learn Linux with. I smile every time the desktop loads. I use three monitors and KDE handles windows better than Windows ever could. It does it with far more customization options and its features just make sense and feel really useful, all without being forced.

    Oh, and all my games run with higher FPS than they did with Windows 11.

    I have had to reinstall it twice due to my learning process, but the last reinstall was a while ago and I’ve since learned how to fix problems that I create or the very rare update issues. It’s a very different beast when you’re coming from a lifelong use of Windows.

  • discusseded@programming.devtoAtheism@feddit.deReligion in Hospitals
    4 months ago

    I was just thinking about this and how weird and fucked up it is. Imagine a country where 13% of schools were owned and operated by the Flat Earth Society, and nobody questions it.

    Unless they have Jesus there healing the sick just what the hell is the big idea? There must be some reason or history to it. Maybe they built hospitals where none were for the community?

  • Its such a weird thing to argue over, and looking at the downvotes, it seems like people here on Lemmy are just really pissed off at people these days (or they are conflict bots). No good things will come from that level of anger.

    You’ve been arguing so much in the comments that you’ve forgotten OP’s stated story and adopted your own fiction to defend. Like you said, it’s a weird thing to argue over, because what you’re talking about is not what anybody else is talking about. That’s why you’re getting down voted. But sure, convince yourself it’s pissed off people or “conflict bots,” whatever the hell that is. More fiction for your la-di-da world.

    Where I come from if someone gracefully asked if I’d be leaving soon I’d have no problem accommodating them if it suited me fine. The operative word is suited, because I don’t owe strangers anything. I can choose to be generous, or be in my right to reserve my generosity for someone who is more deserving. Doing so doesn’t make me a bad person.

    However, this is not what happened according to OP. The person suggested they hurry because they needed their table. That’s so rude I’m completely blown away at your effort here in the comments to white wash it and scold others for not being doormats like you want to be. Have fun with that.

  • Yup, living my best life after getting married. Two kids, two cars, and a house in the suburb. I worked my ass off through my twenties and only in my mid thirties did it start to all come together.

    Why is it all so great? Wife had a windfall from her mother who died from cancer as well as from her grandparents who passed away soon after. Bittersweet, mostly bitter. It doesn’t feel right to me most days, but at least our children have a good chance to get there faster than we did. For us we don’t have to worry about retirement as long as we keep that money invested, and the world doesn’t go sideways.

    I think if childcare and college were free people could basically have the same benefit. That money can go into retirement and a mortgage instead.