• 8 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023

  • fart_pickle@lemmy.worldtoProton @lemmy.worldSo disappointed
    12 hours ago

    Pass - Proton team picked up light theme recently so I’m guessing it will available in a year or so :)

    Drive - had no described issues. I can search photos using its names. However, photos are not searchable through the web app.

    VPN - true, dark mode only which sucks but honestly, I open it only where there’s an issue with the VPN which is rare nowadays.

    What I can say it that Proton products are for somehow “aware” users, which are not discourage by occasional issues. I would say it’s a late beta state of things. I’ve been a happy Proton customer for quite few years and cannot complain about it. The best thing is that when I had an issue, I’ve raised a support ticket and within a day or two it got fixed. Or if it was an user(aka me) issue, it got explained with as much details as I needed.

  • I have a mild speech impairment. I don’t stutter on a daily basis but when I’m under heavy stress or when I’m tired I tend to stutter-ish. On top of that I live in a country where I don’t speak in my native language and sometimes I feel self-conscious about small mistakes I make (like using the wrong word or messing up the grammar) which induces the stress response. It’s not a big deal but it makes me crazy when I can’t express my thoughts in public.

  • I would be happy to see privacy respecting AI assistant in Proton products, especially Proton Mail. English is not my native language and every now and then I need to use 3rd party services to compose a professional sounding email. Having this built into Proton Mail would have made my life easier. Also, having a feature that detects and labels faces and features in the pictures stored in a Proton Drive would be an amazing addition.