• 1 Post
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 30th, 2024


  • More details from the article:

    • In the 1920s, many Mexicans were fired from their jobs due to intense anti-immigrant racism and the great depression.
    • Private and city local agents would show up at some people’s door with train tickets in hand, and say “pack your bags and get on this train.”
      • Hence the air quotes around “deported”.
    • At first, most American Mexicans left “voluntarily”:
      • They wanted to escape racism and find work.
      • The Mexican government promised them free land, as well, further pushing many to leave.
    • Many of the American citizens that left were the children of non-citizens, whose parents made them leave.
    • It wasn’t until later the federal government got involved, and comparatively fewer (90k, still a lot) were deported forcibly.

    Interestingly, this is a common trend when we look at anti-immigrant action. The federal government is rarely the actor that does most of the damage. Most of the action comes from extremely racist MAGA-type populists going around burning property and attacking people en masse. See also the Chinese Exclusion Act.