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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 2nd, 2024

  • Most Sino-Tibetan languages (including most modern Chinese, Tibetan, and Burmese varieties), all Kra-Dai languages (including Thai and Lao), all Hmong-Mien languages, and a few other languages near the region (specifically, Vietnamese and Tsat) have tones. Japonic and Koreanic languages both have tones, but historically they’ve been very simplistic with only 2 tones (pitch accent) although Middle Korean developed 3 tones which then went back to 2. Pitch accent is entirely eliminated in Seoul Korean though. Hmong-Mien languages are the most tonal languages in the world, with up to 12 tones in some languages.

    Tones generally seem to be a highly contagious areal feature, interestingly enough. At least in southeast Asian languages, an important shared feature between them was the reduction or loss of final consonants which usually ended up in a tonal system.

  • Caffeine gives me FAR worse withdrawal symptoms than my prescription Adderall. Caffeine also just really fucks me up in general, I think I have a caffeine sensitivity or something or maybe it’s just the GAD I have. The worst part is I really like caffeinated drinks and I convince myself “the caffeine won’t be bad” and chug a monster or coffee or something, then I feel extremely high stress like I’m on the verge of a stroke for the next few hours lol

    Also caffeine destroys my sleep more than my brain alone already does

  • You’re just flat out lying at this point lol. 21-23% of the entire Israeli Jewish population is first-generation immigrants; 30-35% is second-generation, direct offspring of immigrants; 30-35% is third-generation; 10-15% is fourth-generation; under 5% is fifth-generation or beyond (which would include Jews who lived there since before Aliyah). These are numbers are from the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics. There’s also statistics that rather say 40-45% are third-generation with much less being fourth-generation or beyond, but with around the same amount or slightly less being first and second generation – I find the former estimates far more reasonable though. It’s estimated around 90-97% of Israeli Jews are descended from immigrants since 1900.

    A majority of Israeli Jews are descended from immigrants of several Aliyah (immigration to “Zion” from outside of the lands of Palestine/Israel, practically starting from 1882 but mostly ramping up around the start of the British/Israeli oppression of Palestinians in the region in the early and mid 1900s). Even the most conservative estimates say that around 50-70% of Israel’s Jewish population growth since 1900 came from immigration, with most of the rest of the population growth coming from recent immigrants having children. And those are really conservative estimates, the actual amount is likely much higher than that.

    A significant portion of Israeli Jews came from immigration in the 90s, especially from the Soviet Union after its collapse – 1.4-1.6 million Jews (compared to Israel’s total current Jewish population of around 7.4 million) immigrated to Israel following the collapse of the USSR. Over a fifth of the entire Israeli Jewish population in just the span of one generation. Yet second- and third-generation Israeli Jews make up like 3-3.5x as much still.

    It’s crazy for you to try to state that modern Israelis aren’t primarily (nearly exclusively) descended from relatively recent immigrants who displaced (and outright genocided) the native population. You straight up just made that up without consulting any history/statistics, not even Israel’s own statistics lol. Palestine faced a colonization and replacement by Jewish immigrants – according to the Jewish Virtual Library, 8% of people in the region were Jewish in 1882; then 11-13% after the end of WW1, after the adoption of a Zionist policy for Palestine and occupation by the UK (see the Balfour Declaration); then 32% in 1947 after several Aliyah; then in 1948 – the year the Israel was formally established and immigrants were shipped in from all over the globe, and the year European immigrants to Israel started all-out total war and genocide against Palestinians – that number jumped to 82%. It is not Jews’ “indigenous land”, 93%+ of people in the region were Arab Muslims at the time of the first Aliyah, hundreds of thousands compared to the 9,000 Jews and even less Christians. Jews hadn’t been the majority in the region since the 4th century, Arabs & Muslims have been the majority since before the Magna Carta, the Crusades, European Feudalism, they were most of the population when France just started to exist.

    Considering the actual facts of the situation, your justification basically becomes “colonization and apartheid in the modern day is okay because some other people they identified with lived there 1,500-3,000 years ago”, in which case I have some bad news for like, 95% of Europeans, Middle Easterners, and Asians, who all exist on lands which were someone elses in that same time period. Ethnonationalism with feeling you have a “right” to certain land you have no actual connection to based on some ancient “predecessor” civilization that had those lands stolen from them before Hindu-Arabic numerals existed is a strong hint that you’re in the wrong (see: Nazism). Modern Jews are about as indigenous to Israel as the modern Japanese are to Korea, or modern Turkish are to Mongolia.

    Zionism is modern-day ethnonationalism and colonialism by predominantly non-Levantine peoples (more than half of those being primarily European in ancestry). Its purpose is creating and justifying an ethnostate where Jews are superior and have rights that other groups don’t have – and such things are cemented in the Israeli constitution and law. To exist, Israel requires relegating non-Jews to second-class personhood and requires (or required at some recent point in time) commiting acts of genocide towards certain non-Jews; abolishing that would be abolishing the concept of Israel and Zionism as a whole. There is no real moral defense of the state of Israel.

  • sparkle@lemm.eetoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldfriendly reminder
    3 days ago

    Yeah no. Jewish Israeli people can live in Palestine, with the Arabs they’re trying to displace, like Jews have for thousands of years before modern Israel existed. Israel is inherently, and has always been, an apartheid ethnostate and has no reason nor right to exist. Israeli nationalism is a bad thing and Israel’s entire purpose is Jewish supremacy. If you remove the “ethnostate” aspect of Israel, you don’t have Israel; there is no Israel without either apartheid or genocide of non-Jews.

    Israel has no right to exist. No state really has any right to exist, but Israel’s existence is especially bad. It should be dissolved. That doesn’t mean displacement of the people that live there, that means the replacement of the Israeli state.

    There are plenty of Israelis who were adults when Israel was founded, and participated in the extermination of Arabs during the colonial occupation, and cheered on the theft of their lands. They form the foundation of Israeli society, and most of the non-Arab Israeli populace still encourages the oppression and genocide of Arabs. I do not believe any individual who cheers on the genocide of the peoples their great-grandparents recently stole the lives of should have the “right” to live on the recently stolen land.

  • Considering after 15 seconds of looking at your profile, there’s this…

    yeah I think it’s pretty obvious

    The only ones to concern troll about their targets to the extent you do and complain about everything that doesn’t align with their political views being “too political” are conservatives. You aren’t concerned about the wellbeing of anyone, you want to exterminate the “others” and think you’re smart by using the most basic manipulation tactic of conservatives – feigning concern for the welfare of the people you want to get rid of as a means to make people think your position is acceptable.

    Also you support the displacement and genocide of Palestinians by Israel. You seem to be joyful at the thought of Israel’s colonization of Palestine resulting in the destruction of the natives and establishment of a new ethnostate atop their corpses. You are definitely racist as fuck even disregarding the obvious immigration rhetoric and conservative talking points

  • Chimpanzees are likely going to be extinct 2-3 decades from now. Bonobos will be extinct in 4-6 decades. Orangutans will go extinct within 10 to 20 years. Most animals closely related to humans (including most apes & monkeys) are projected to become extinct within a few decades. I do not want to be alive when gorillas go extinct

    This is mostly due to the meat trade (apes and monkeys are often killed for meat which is eaten by locals or traded), being affected by the wars in the Congo/Africa, being kidnapped & sold as exotic pets, and habitat loss from human resource harvesting/logging & development. Humans are effectively displacing, enslaving, slaughtering, and cannibalizing their distant cousins