• @Kedly@lemm.ee
    821 month ago

    Tankies, you can keep jumping servers because we blocked your old servers, and we’ll just keep blocking you. No one is interested in your brain damage

  • @PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
    581 month ago

    There are people who think they’re at all different?

    I’m pretty sure lemmygrad was explicitly created to be the mask off equivalent of .ml

    • edric
      271 month ago

      There are users who don’t know why .ml was the domain that was used, only that it was the original instance so that’s what they chose to sign up with.

    • @spujbOP
      251 month ago

      i don’t know that people think they are different per se, but i do see a strange sense of shock that the same people annoyed with one might also be annoyed at the other

  • Match!!
    301 month ago

    Wait, what’s lemmygrad?? I incorrectly inferred that lemmygrad was a disparaging name for lemmy.ml

            • Match!!
              61 month ago

              no matter how bad it might seem here I can promise reddit is a thousand times worse

            • @mihnt@lemmy.ca
              61 month ago

              There are instances that don’t defederate at all. Or block piracy communities.

            • @pukeko@lemm.ee
              61 month ago

              Let me give an example: I have a friend on Bluesky. He’s as middle of the road as it’s possible to be (and I say that in an entirely neutral way; it makes him neither better nor worse than anyone). He’s nice, and a good person. But he’s aggressive, disruptive, a fight-picker, and a single-issue conversationalist on social media. Bluesky seems to have a disproportionate number of people who are very nice, well-meaning, but aggressive and disruptive. I left Bluesky to exit an echo chamber for something more serene. I think that’s one thing the loud folk don’t quite get, regardless of their ideology: not all of us are here to yell and throw things all the time.

    • @realitista@lemm.ee
      1 month ago

      They’re our crazy uncle that we try to keep locked in the basement but sometimes guests hear the crazed incomprehensible ranting from the cellar door.

    • @Excrubulent@slrpnk.net
      341 month ago

      I don’t think that’s a good solution. If I personally block an instance they can still see my comments and posts and have full conversations alongside them that everybody except me can read. I reserve blocking for genuine harrasment, not horrible ideas in general. I’d rather be part of the discussion and use that to build a case for defederation if it’s really so bad I’d want to block them.

      • @awwwyissss@lemm.ee
        141 month ago

        Agreed, and I think defederation from Lemmy.ml is overdue.

        They’re a toxic mouthpiece for authoritarian governments pretending to be communists, especially the CCP but also the Kremlin. They’re the reason I won’t even admit to anyone that I use Lemmy.

        I had an old account I abandoned because they followed me around and downvoted everything I posted. Most of it was funny memes I was posting to help Lemmy grow.

        They’re the same trashy people as Hexbear but with a nicer mask and surrounded by legitimate users who don’t realize what’s going on.

      • TotallyNotSpez
        -21 month ago

        That’s fair. I’m a filthy casual and thus blocking instances works fine for me (3 so far). User comments from those instances are shown to me with a spoiler tag and when I click on them I can still see them and even comment on them. But I’m happy that posts from those instances don’t show up in my feed.

        • @Excrubulent@slrpnk.net
          61 month ago

          User comments from those instances are shown to me with a spoiler tag and when I click on them I can still see them and even comment on them.

          That’s actually a pretty good solution, I didn’t realise it worked like that.

          Maybe instance blocking is a solution I can use in that case…

      • @hark@lemmy.world
        -31 month ago

        It’s not enough that you ignore views you don’t like, you must apparently stop everyone else on the same instance(s) as you from seeing these views. For our protection and safety, I assume?

        • TotallyNotSpez
          161 month ago

          I just don’t have the time or energy to deal with the toxic behaviour of those people. I don’t run an instance, the one I use doesn’t block others, but I block some instances for my personal account. Nothing wrong with that.

          • @hark@lemmy.world
            01 month ago

            Nothing wrong with blocking instances yourself. My issue is with people who take it upon themselves to mount a campaign to block instances for all other users on an instance.

            • @Excrubulent@slrpnk.net
              61 month ago

              I have an issue with people who mount a campaign to stop defederation regardless of who it’s targeting.

        • @Excrubulent@slrpnk.net
          1 month ago


          All together now:

          “If users don’t like that their instance has defederated then they can migrate their accounts.”

          I have yet to see a real answer to this from people who concern troll about defederation.

          • @hark@lemmy.world
            01 month ago

            Or, more simply, if you don’t like the instance then you can block it yourself. That’s what the feature is for. It’s not concern trolling to point out that I don’t want people like you choosing which instances I get to see from which instances I use.

            It’s much easier for you to use the block feature as intended instead of you screaming at instance maintainers to censor content for everyone on that instance you don’t like and making people create accounts all over different instances just because you can’t handle a different opinion. Why needlessly fracture the fediverse because of your personal preferences?

            • @Excrubulent@slrpnk.net
              1 month ago


              “Blocking is a band-aid that doesn’t remove the problem community from interacting with your community at large, which is how you limit the ability of that community to spread their harmful behaviour.”

              Also, I don’t choose, the instance admins choose. Nothing I say will change that. If I successfully convince them, then they were convincable. If you don’t like that… change instances.

              • @hark@lemmy.world
                -11 month ago

                “Problem community”, huh? Now that’s concern trolling! You’re just concerned about others being exposed to a nebulous “problem community”?

                Why do you think you get to decide for others what a “problem community” is? I’ve seen people like you rally together to scream at instance maintainers to block other instances because you don’t like their opinions. Stop being a fediverse karen and use the block function or, if you’re such a control freak, maintain your own instance.

                • @Excrubulent@slrpnk.net
                  61 month ago

                  I’m sorry, do you think the concept of a “problem community” is somehow not a concept that makes sense? What is your argument here exactly?

                  Are you trying to say that defederation should never be done? If not, then what are you saying?

  • @peteypete420@sh.itjust.works
    161 month ago

    Newbie here, do I not see lemmygrad stuff on my “all” feed because I am on the shitjustworks instance?

    I can pull it up in the search bar, but don’t seem able to subscribe.

    I probably need to watch a newbs guide to the fediverse video or something. Like I understand the basic idea, but not the nuances or technical stuff.

    • @spujbOP
      211 month ago

      defed.xyz lets you check.

      looks like your instance is defederated by lemmygrad, so that’s probably what’s up.

        • @spujbOP
          41 month ago

          no problem im always forgetting this specific link too, but it’s really handy :)

    • @Excrubulent@slrpnk.net
      241 month ago

      Obfuscation. They know lemmygrad is too obviously tankie for most people, but lemmy.ml is not so obvious. The .ml is a dogwhistle that a lot of users won’t understand, so they can buy some measure of legitimacy that way. I guess they keep lemmygrad because they also want a place where they can go full mask-off.

    • YeetPics
      1 month ago

      When everyone dislikes your poorly thought out reactions and you respond to that disdain with calls for nuking entire hemispheres of the only planet we can live on, you kinda have to hide your identity/ideologies by way of obfuscation.

      They seem proud and vocal in their echo chamber but these fools are weaker than a watery shit irl.

      • Rusty Shackleford
        18 days ago

        Bitch-made invertebrate shit-heels pretending to be tough with Molotov-sippy-cups.

  • Kiwi
    1 month ago

    Hi just migrated from Lemmy.ml. just wondering what a tankie actually is? I’ve heard it used a lot especially on Lemmy. My guess is some kind of pro CCP kind of communist but that’s my best guess

    Edit: Nvm just googled it. Its pretty much what I wrote.

    • @spujbOP
      1 month ago

      yeah you p much got it, (e: specifically they are v v chill with violence against innocents and authoritarianism to bring about their chosen regime. im already getting downvoted in this comment tho so yeah just go look at the wikipedia page 😭)

      • @Albatross2724@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        Does that mean most Americans are tankies when it comes to Israel’s ongoing genocide of Palestinians 🤔

        **Clearly struck a cord with the bloodthirsty genocide supporters

          • @Albatross2724@lemmy.world
            -111 month ago

            Oh yeah I forgot. Communism is bad, but mass killing brown Muslims is fine because they’re subhuman cannon fodder for furthering America’s Military Industrial Complex. Thanks for clearing that up.

            • Boo
              61 month ago

              Communism isn’t bad per se, authoritarianism is, but there are many authoritarian regimes going under the name ‘communist’, thus we have a term for that: tankie. Using different terms to describe the Israeli state (like fascist, ethno-nationalist, or Zionist) and its supporters does not mean it’s not bad. It really is! It’s just categorically different in the ideology espoused by them, and having language to describe that is not bad.

              • @Albatross2724@lemmy.world
                -21 month ago

                Intentionally missing the point of the irony behind Americans using words that allude to ignoring a genocide while actively ignoring a genocide they’re tax dollars are funding.

            • @spujbOP
              01 month ago

              plenty of the people leveraging the word “tankie” against tankies are communists, or at least socialists, just less authoritarian ones. and i’d venture to guess that the vast majority of those people are anti-genocide, including the case of Gaza.

              please take the smallest of measures to understand the positions at foot before stuffing straw men into everyone’s mouths. you look quite foolish here.

        • @spujbOP
          1 month ago

          no that doesn’t mean that. tankies are communist. most americans are not generally communists

    • @Gabu@lemmy.world
      01 month ago

      Depends on whether the person saying it is a fellow leftie or a rightwinger brainlet. To the first, it’s what you described - an anti-Marxist communist. To the second group, anyone left of Nixon.

      • htrayl
        141 month ago

        IMO a tankie on the left is just a pure anti-west authoritarian cosplaying as a communist - the communism is largely window dressing and they are generally perfectly happy defending Russia (obviously not communist) or authoritarian nonsense from China and other communist countries.

      • @TokenBoomer@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        Wtf is an anti-Marxist communist? Is that like a swimmer that can’t swim? Arizona just outlawed abortion, and have senators speaking in tongues while praying on the floor of the house. President Biden is fully endorsing a genocide in the Middle East. Trump might become the first dictator of America.

        And ya’ll worried about

        ?.?.“”TANKIES””. ?.?

        Get some GD perspective.

        • @Imotali@lemmy.world
          81 month ago

          They’re comment is wrong. But non-marxian communism exists. For example council communism.

          But a Tankie is basically a Leninist/Stalinist/Maoist communist who dick rides authoritarianism.

            • Rusty Shackleford
              51 month ago

              while we are essentially seeking the same goals.

              Authoritarian “leftists” are not seeking the same goals as other leftists.

              • @TokenBoomer@lemmy.world
                -21 month ago

                Neither are social democrats, but we take help where we can get it. If we exclude anyone anti-fascist, that division will be exploited. We can’t afford to lose sight of the true enemy, the billionaire ruling class.

            • @barsoap@lemm.ee
              1 month ago

              Council communism is basically methadone therapy for Marxists, for those that can’t make the leap to Anarchism. Council Communism is essentially indistinguishable (in practice, theory is a bit different) from Syndicalism.

              As to campism: Somehow it’s always the authoritarians calling for “left unity”, that of course meaning “follow Stalin”: Never, ever, do they sit down and actually consider the opinions of anti-auths. No, we don’t have the same goals: They want to rule, we don’t. And, no, we didn’t forget the Bolsheviks allying with fascists to stab Anarchists in the back.

              • @TokenBoomer@lemmy.world
                1 month ago

                “The anarchists point of view is the most disruptive element in the New Left and should be capitalized on in the most confusing ways,” the FBI wrote. Source

                Why were the FBI okay with Anarchists, but not Marxists Leninist like the Black Panthers?

                • @barsoap@lemm.ee
                  21 month ago

                  I can’t speak for the FBI but bullshit needs disruption, anyways, and confusion is the first step to enlightenment. Of course the FBI should’ve started by disrupting themselves but you can’t have everything in life.

                  Actually even the premise and also language used in that sentence makes me think we might be looking at a Discordian having infiltrated the FBI. What better place to author a zine than on Uncle Sam’s dime?

          • @TokenBoomer@lemmy.world
            1 month ago

            I’m a white, upper middle class boomer living in America who is registered independent, but consistently voted for Democrats for the past 28 years. I did vote for Ross Perot in ‘92, because I wanted a third party. I’m as far removed from a “tankie” as you can get.

            Why is it wrong to think for yourself and form your own opinions? Ya’ll just want to hate on people to pretend you have some control in this chaotic world.

            It makes me sad that so many want to spread hate instead of love.

            • @SkyezOpen@lemmy.world
              41 month ago

              To be fair, I only have you labaled as “tankie apologist” on my app.

              And tankies poison the well, they are something to be concerned about even if worse things are happening.

              • @TokenBoomer@lemmy.world
                -41 month ago

                That’s fair. I’m more worried about climate change than the pettiness of leftist infighting, so I will continue to apologize for any group that is anti-capitalist.

                I’m pragmatic enough to understand that when a planned economy comes, and it will, we may not have the time and opportunities to choose which structures replace capitalism. It may be an amalgamation of many socialist strategies.

                I find it pointless to bicker over socialism, when fascism is the bigger threat. But it is entertaining.

        • YeetPics
          21 month ago

          Get some GD perspective.

          That’s fucking RICH, and that’s coming from a lib who apparently only knows how to genocide for vast wealth and power.

          • @TokenBoomer@lemmy.world
            1 month ago

            Did you just own yourself? I don’t understand this convoluted cleverness.

            I feel so owned right now. I may have to eat some ice cream.

            In what way did your comment refute any point I made?

            Just screaming into the abyss… sad.

            Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.


    • @Ilovethebomb@lemm.ee
      171 month ago

      The ml stands for Marxist Leninist. Basically, it means the admins of an instance ending in ml has been some revolting politics.

      • @realitista@lemm.ee
        1 month ago

        And not just Marxist Leninism, but revanchist Marxist Leninism which denies the wrongdoing of not only Stalin and Mao but also Putin and Xi entirely and blames anything that happened in history or present on the West.

        ie. Tankies.

        I wouldn’t really have much problem with them if they were Marxist Leninist and still acknowledged history and reality. Unfortunately that’s not the case.

      • @Excrubulent@slrpnk.net
        161 month ago

        Also, “Marxism-Leninism” as a term was coined by Stalin, but there’s a reason people avoid the term “Stalinism”, because even these people understand that his horrific legacy can’t be revised.

        So whenever you hear the term, you can understand that it’s basically Stalinism papered over with the names of dead men who couldn’t object to him puppeteering them and coopting their legacy to lend legitimacy to his reign of terror.

      • lad
        141 month ago

        I still can’t stop associating ml with machine learning first 😅

    • @Kedly@lemm.ee
      1 month ago

      In case you havent been here long enough to know what a Tankie is, on top of what everyone else has shared: A Tankie is a Communist who thinks Russia and China have done nothing wrong, they’ll try and make you think we call ALL communists/left leaning people Tankies, but no, the Tank part of Tankie comes from shit like Tiananmen Square where they used tanks to destroy their political opposition, and Tankies are perfectly fine with this/claim shit like Tiananmen Square is propoganda.

      Tldr: Communist/Socialists/leftists who arent a fan of Russia and China’s dictatorial tendencies? Not a Tankie. Communist who’ll defend Russia and China to the point of thinking maybe Ukraine deserves to be invaded and that Taiwan should be absorbed by China? Tankie

      Edit: Even more TL:Dr? They’re the leftist version of a Nazi Brony

      Edit the third: Tankies, downvotes by you hold as much meaning as a downvote on youtube does… I saw the downvote count go from 1-6 in 15 minutes so you could make it look like as much people disagreed with me as agreed

  • @Ilovethebomb@lemm.ee
    81 month ago

    What we really need is a Schism, and for all the ml domains to defederate from the rest of the lemmyverse, and just become their own thing.

    • @woelkchen@lemmy.world
      71 month ago

      What we really need is a Schism, and for all the ml domains to defederate from the rest of the lemmyverse, and just become their own thing.

      But due its size, it’s also full of regular people. !linux@lemmy.ml is a good Linux community. Why block the entire instance when the Mao fanboys are just active in certain politics communities?

        • @woelkchen@lemmy.world
          41 month ago

          You can move a community with all subscribers? How? Does this work if the server was already defederated? Why defederate an entire server if only specific communities are problematic? Just block those.

          • @Ilovethebomb@lemm.ee
            31 month ago

            Basically set up a community with the same name on another instance, and say “everyone go over there”

            If it’s done officially by the mods, then the new community becomes the official one.

            • @woelkchen@lemmy.world
              -21 month ago

              And that statement is one nobody can read because the server has already been defederated. Doesn’t sound like the best idea. Just block the Mao fanboy communities you don’t like. Definitely a lower impact than blocking sane communities on that server like !Linux@lemmy.ml for everyone.

      • @Excrubulent@slrpnk.net
        121 month ago

        It actually would be a good thing. Pariah instances are how the fediverse will have to moderate itself, and these people have shown themselves to be incapable of playing well with others. I purposely avoided joining any of their subs because I saw how toxic their influence was on reddit.

        If you look at peertube, there’s one instance that hosts Steven Crowder and Alex Jones and like two other people who I assume are lesser demons of some kind. I would avoid any instance that doesn’t have the good sense to defederate from that one. This is a similar thing. I doubt the tankies are going to be on the popular side of the schism if it happens, they would have an echo chamber and we would be rid of them.

        The thing about an echo chamber like that is that thanks to the public nature of federation status, it would be obvious who the pariah instances are, so anyone still there would be made aware that they are the minority, not the voice of the people in any way. That’s something that takes longer to notice in a forum like truth social. The numbers might be there for people to see, but it’s a different platform so you can say there’s a slow adoption rate or something, like you can say about Lemmy. With pariah instances there is a direct and obvious comparison, and people have left because your instance fucked up. That’s going to drive all but the most hardcore folks away to other instances.

        • @spujbOP
          31 month ago

          ooh i never knew about the crowder/jones peertube thing, thanks for this analysis!

          also for those downvoting you, it’s not really even an echo chamber. my instance defederates both, nevertheless i hear about shit that goes down on .ml literally daily, same as i am still well aware of the latest on crowder and jones.

          defederation literally just means i’m spared the curse of having to deal with the shit firsthand. i still have no lack of understanding of the positions involved.

            • @spujbOP
              21 month ago

              ur fighting with shadows homie. my instance is not yours. no reason for you to feel threatened by me expressing my experience.

          • @Excrubulent@slrpnk.net
            31 month ago

            This isn’t about diversity of opinion. I will happily talk to a tankie and explain why I think they are wrong, unless they’re a toxic asshole in which case I will simply point out that fact. The problem is when tankies get in charge of forums they behave like toxic assholes, and then yeah, I think we should ditch that forum.

              • @Excrubulent@slrpnk.net
                01 month ago

                Nobody is blocking you from it. You can go find an instance that doesn’t defederate. You can make an account with them. Literally nobody is stopping you.

                If the admins of your instance agree it should be defederated and you disagree, then I guess that instance isn’t a good fit for you.

                This isn’t like… a difficult concept, so I have to ask what it is about it that you’re struggling with.

          • @Ilovethebomb@lemm.ee
            01 month ago

            I don’t think you understand just how persistent these people can be, Internet Communist is their personality. The last time I looked, all their memes were thinly veiled jabs at capitalism, or the US, or about their politics in some way, they find a way to shoehorn it into every single conversation.

            They’re also in support of almost everything Russia does, including invading their neighbours, and opposed to everything the US does.

            They’re awful, they’re abrasive, and they get everywhere.

            • @awwwyissss@lemm.ee
              -11 month ago

              Internet Communist is their personality

              Not really, it’s their facade. They’re not actually communists, it’s just a mask they use to spread CCP and Kremlin propaganda. Plus their paid to do it, they’re not authentic.

    • @spujbOP
      121 month ago

      that would be nice 😂

  • @ZombiFrancis@sh.itjust.works
    -21 month ago

    I think for many is shock and surprise is that anything even remotely “ml” is even allowed. Like something illegal is being allowed in plain sight.

  • _donnadie_
    -81 month ago

    A lot of people in the lemmy.world instance loves to spend time making threads about .ml or lemmygrad. Sounds like unnecessary drama at least for the lemmy.ml instance.

    • @spujbOP
      91 month ago

      yeah and im sure they do all that just for fun not for any material reason at all its just for the sheer joy of it

    • @A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.world
      61 month ago

      “Guys guys guys, lets federate so everyone can be connected everywhere!”

      " Guys guys guys, why are you so occupied talking about these awful instances that we’re intrinsically linked too via federation? gawd, so much unnecessary drama"